Pricing & Credits
Our customers use Synap in a number of different ways - we work with small and large organisations, some of whom are expecting to deliver a handful of exams at different points in the year, and others who will be running multiple exams and other kinds of assessments every day.
For this reason, we have recently updated our pricing model to accomodate these different use cases. This document contains our up to date prices.
Assessment Credits & Associated Pricing
In 2023, we are introducing 'Assessment Credits' ("credits"). These can be purchased in bulk and used to pay for the different kinds of assessments available on Synap.
As a general rule, higher-volume purchases are eligible for larger discounts. Once purchased a credit is valid for 12 months, and is non-refundable.
The reason we are introducing credits is to provide a flexible and transferrable system that our customers can use to pay for different types of assessment - for example, credits can be used to pay for usage of Exams, Assignments, Practice Tests, as well as the various kinds of proctoring we offer on the platform.
The table below shows how many credits each type of assessment requires. As you'll notice most types of assessment use 1x credit - it is only the various kinds of proctored assessments that use more credits, this is due to the additional resources associated with running them.
Assessment Type
Cost - Credit-based plans
Cost - MAU-based plans (3)
Exam - Unproctored
1 credit
Exam - Lockdown Only
2 credits
Exam - Light Proctoring
5 credits
Exam - Full Proctoring (including review) (1)
10 credits + £6.00
1 credit
Low-stakes MAUs (2)
1 credit per user per month
"Full proctoring" refers to proctoring that is conducted via our partner, Rosalyn who have a unique 'human in the loop' approach to proctoring which means that a candidate's screen and webcam is fully recorded and monitored by AI, with live-interventions conducted by humans as required. Because of the human costs involved, this form of proctoring is charged both in terms of credits, AND an additional flat fee of £6.00. This was the best way for us to ensure fair and consistent pricing
"Low-stakes MAUs" refers to the use of Synap's various 'low-stakes' assessment tools such as Collections and Spaced Learning, to deliver tests and revision materials to users. These are essentially charged as Monthly Active Users - so, one user taking any number of practice tests on the platform in a given month, will only cost 1 credit.
"MAU-based plans" - Customers who have purchased a monthly or annual subscription to Synap, with billing based on MAUs, have all of their non-proctored use of the platform included as a part of their MAU quota. Under these plans, a given user can take as many assessments on the platform as they like, and you will only be charged once for that user. Proctored assessments on the other hand, are charged separately.
The baseline cost of a Credit is £1.50 - this is the amount that you will be charged by default if you use the above assessment features. However, you can also purchase credits in bulk, in which case various levels of discount will be applied. Once purchased a credit is valid for 12 months, and is non-refundable.
Our current pricing for credit bundles is:
Number of Credits
Cost per credit
1 (Not purchased upfront)*
Estimating How Many Credits You Need
Our team would be moer than happy to prepare a quote for you, with an estimate on the number of credits you need and the best-value package to purchase.
If you are looking to keep your initial costs down, we would generally recommend starting with a package of 100, 250 or 500 annual credits. Once you have made this initial purchase, your subsequent credits will be charged at £1.50 each, even if you do not make a larger purchase in the future.
Alternatively, if you are looking to get the best value for money, our higher-volume packages do offer significant discounts and you may wish to consider purchasing one of those.
Standard vs Pro Pricing
Our Standard plan comes with all of the core features that you should need to deliver your exams. It is available at no extra cost, it just requires the purchase of one of our annual credit bundles, or a monthly subscription to an MAU-based package.
Synap customers can upgrade to Pro at any time.
Last updated